Heart of Gold Legacy
A Nonprofit
Dedicated to the Care and Protection of Animals
About Us
Heart of Gold Legacy was established in December 2005 with the purpose of providing assistance to various organizations that promote the general welfare of animals. Gertrude “Sissy” McGill, the benefactress of Heart of Gold Legacy, has given financial contributions to organizations that provide shelter and care to animals before the inception of the foundation. Sissy has been an active supporter of animal welfare all her life. With the help of Teresita Bacani, a long-time friend and business partner, Sissy’s vision of helping the animals through the foundation came to fruition. A legacy has been finally fulfilled. To this date, many animal welfare organizations in the United States have benefited from the goodness of the heart of the foundation.
El Cajon
We are located in El Cajon, California.
We are a nonprofit foundation.
We have a passion for what we do!
What We Do
Heart of Gold Legacy Foundation will continue to fulfill its commitment to:
Rescuing abandoned animals.
Identifying critical and social challenges that companion animals face and having the courage to see the changes in their care. To rehabilitate abandoned companion animals that have been given up.
Providing essential humane care to companion animals that have been neglected, abandoned, and given up for adoption or when their service masters have passed on.
Uniting diverse cultures and generations in promoting the humane treatment of companion animals; encouraging genetic research to improve the health of companion animals.

Gertrude "Sissy" McGill
Gertrude “Sissy” McGill donates a portion of her income on a regular basis to the Heart of Gold Legacy.
Our Values
List of Recipients of Donation from Heart of Gold Legacy: